Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Puppy Love

Tom and I made the crazy decision to get a second puppy last month.  Our 3-year old pup, Bea, is slowly losing her eyesight, so we decided to get her a "seeing eye puppy" to help her navigate as her vision fades.  I figure, while our new pup, Buck, is helping Bea, we could also bring him to Compass to help the residents there.
  As expected, Buck caused quite a stir at Compass.  He happily went from chair to wheelchair to walker, greeting everyone in sight. Faces brightened as he stopped for a pat or a scratch, and many residents asked questions about him.  
  One of my favorite conversations:
   "Do you mind if I ask how much he cost?"
  "Nope.  He was $600.  A bit expensive, eh?"
  "Oh, no-- six HUNDRED dollars."
  "Ohhh.... That's reasonable."  Heehee.

One thing about Buck, though.  He loves everybody equally.  Nana was kind of hoping for top billing.  She said, "I don't think he likes me all that much."
  "I'll solve that, Mom," I said, handing her a few dog treats then turning to pick up Buck.  Mom promptly put the treats in her mouth.
  "Mom!," I said, startling her. "Those are for the dog!"  She laughed, spit them out, and quickly recovered.
"I just thought if I put them in my mouth, my breath would be more appealling to the puppy."

Now, that's quick thinking and a great recovery. The workers and I laughed with her.  Never a dull moment.

She's Baaack!!!

I must admit, the last couple months have been tough.  And I like to keep things cheery, so I was having trouble finding words.  First off, let me say that Nana is fine.  As we changed environments from Southgate to Compass, we hit a rough patch, naturally.  Everything was brand new, and new is not exciting or comforting to people losing their memory.
  My biggest worry?  I was afraid that the staff of Compass would never really meet "Mom"-- her wit, her ready smile, her willingness to help those around her. I have such love and admiration for her-- I was afraid that she would be spending her last days with people who would never know the truly magical essence that is Nana Pap.
  A few weeks ago, feeling a little low, I asked Michelle, the Activities Director, if Nana participated in many of the activities-- she seemed to sleep through so many activities when I was around.
  Michelle face lit up. "Your Mom is great! She comes up with some of the greatest comments.  She is always so positive, looking forward to the activities to come, as well as participating in the present. I love hearing her perspective on things when I show a picture and ask for comments. In fact, I was just saying at a meeting the other day-- When I get older, I want to be Jane Papineau!"
   My wonderful, inspiring, awesome, helpful, loving Mom is still there, and Compass has met her.  YIPPEE!!!